Outsourced Services

highly trained agents and remote field force.

Assisting clients’ Technology and Enterprise Services (TES) departments with monitoring, surveillance and supporting services.

Our services vary from Network Operations Centres, Service Operations Centres, Workforce Management, and Global & Communication Technology


MTN Technology Enterprise Services (TES) Operations: South Africa 

Contact Centre for Consumer and Enterprise clients in 17 countries


 African Ideas currently deploys resources to service the clients of MTN, the Contact Centre in its local MTN NOC and SOC to cater for its South Africa market. The current SOC setup is situated at the MTN South Africa headquarters at 14 Eglin Road Sunninghill, Johannesburg. 

  • The contract allows for the client’s Technology and Enterprise Services (TES) departments to be assisted and supported with their monitoring, surveillance and supporting services. Support is also provided to the technologies deployed. Some examples of these are (but not limited to) VoIP, APN, Transmission, Internet Protocol, GPRS, Microwave, Satellite, Wireless Services, Network Security etc. African Ideas plays a key role in the transformation of the various MTN strategies.   
We deliver comprehensive and cutting-edge ICT solutions across a wide spectrum of technology specialisations.

Some of our other outsourced operation projects

MTN Clicksoftware  

Their business objectives were to improve profitability and resource utilisation, which translate to: MTN did not have a workforce management solution that was able to efficiently and effectively manage its…